Thank you, Thank YOU, THANK YOU!!!
To everyone who has supported me and helped me along my journey so far. I have had an incredible year and it would NOT be possible without you! And I'm looking forward to an even more successful 2009!
My family: I am blessed with the two greatest parents, brothers and sisters in the world! You all have encouraged me and been there for all the ups and downs...and its always nice to know that wherever I am and whatever time it is, ya'll are watching and cheering me on!!!
Randy: You have been my rock. Yes, it has been a rocky race road ths year...but you have stood by my side and helped me through all the disappointments and you even got to see a glimmer of what I've still got left to give to the sport: you saw me run like a runner in Clearwater! Thanks so much for believing in me!
Friends: To everyone who has followed my races and been there to point out the positives and just how lucky I am!
Support Crew:
George: You are the wisdom behind all my training and racing! Thanks for molding me into the athlete that I am and for believing in me too. And for always reminding me that IT IS: all about the journey, so enjoy it!
Luke: My running has come so far! And I'm excited to run even faster!!! I am definately a stronger, faster, more confident runner thanks to you :)
Traci: My muscles love you! Thanks for taking care of all the soreness, tightness, and whatever funky thing I have going on from week to week.
-OU Medical Center: You made my olympic quest possible! I was proud to represent you over the past few years and especially at the Olympic Trials.
-Schlegel Bicycles: My new TT bike fit like a glove thanks to my awesome Retul bike fit! Thanks to Steve and all the guys at the shop, I've always got all the bike equipment I need.
-Powerbar: BE GREAT! Thanks for keeping me fueled during all my workouts and especially during the races. Thanks Nicole for the homestay for the Malibu race and the tour of the Powerbar offices!
-Hed: I loved riding my new wheels in Clearwater! The zoom zoom of the disc was a sound I've always wanted to hear coming from MY bike :) It is great to race with the confidence of having the best and fastest wheels available!
-Aquaman: My speedsuit and CellGold kept me coming out of the water in front!
-Smith: You all keep me looking cool in the latest and greatest sunglasses!